MIDI Plug-ins

Digital Performer provides many real-time, non-destructive MIDI effects plug-ins.

Change duration

The Change Duration plug-in can non-destructively modify the durations of MIDI notes during playback. It has the same settings as the Change Duration command in the Region menu.

Change Duration modifies the duration without changing the placement of attack times. This means that the amount of time a note is "on" or sounding can be changed without affecting its actual rhythmic placement in relation to other notes and events. The Change Duration command is useful for changing the articulation or space between notes. You can make note events sound connected or separate in relation to each other, for example. It also provides some useful utility functions. For more information, see the Region menu.

Change velocity

The Change Velocity plug-in can non-destructively modify the on and/or off velocities of MIDI notes during playback. It has the same settings as the Change Velocity command in the Region menu. For the Compress/Expand option, the graph shows the result of the compression/expansion settings. A diagonal line from lower left to upper right represents no compression or expansion. Drag the Threshold, Ratio and Gain handles to change their settings. The higher the ratio, the higher compression; ratios below 1 produce expansion. Gain allows you to raise or lower the overall level. Threshold sets a cutoff value, below which no compression or expansion will occur.


The DeFlam MIDI effects plug-in is a non-destructive version of the DeFlam region operation found under the Region menu. DeFlam looks for groups of note that are very close together. When such a group is found, the average attack time of the group of notes is computed. All notes in the group are moved such that their attack times are aligned exactly to the average time. The group of notes that is deflammed is determined by the tick value you specify. This creates a "window" of effectiveness. Groups of notes within that window will be deflammed.

Echo and Arpeggiator

The Echo effect is similar to a traditional digital delay. It remembers material played in, then repeats it later on. There are some interesting differences, though. You are not restricted to simple fixed delays. In fact the "rhythmic pattern" used by the Echo for regenerating the material is completely customizable. Additionally, each repetition of the material can be sent to a different output assignment. Furthermore, a transpose effect is hooked into the Echo's feedback loop, allowing you to transpose on each repetition.

The Arpeggiator watches what notes are sounding (being held) and then arpeggiates them (plays them one at a time). The Arpeggiator gives you complete control over the rhythm and order in which the notes are played back. In addition, each arpeggiated note can be sent to a different output assignment.

For a complete explanation of the settings of these two plug-ins, see the Digital Performer User Guide.

Groove Quantize

Groove Quantize is a real-time version of the Groove Quantize region operation found under the Region menu. For more information, see the Region menu, and consult the Digital Performer User Guide.


Humanize is a real-time version of the Humanize Region command found under the Region menu. The Humanize command lets you add a "random" element––or "humanized" feel––to your music. With this command, you can randomize any combination of the following elements of your music:

In addition, you can create a unique blend of these humanize elements and save it as a humanize style, which you can recall and use at any time. You can use the Humanize command to create arpeggiation effects, hi-hat (or other percussion instrument) grooves, and other dramatic musical effects. For more information, see the Region menu.

Invert Pitch

The Invert pitch processor allows you to specify an axis point around which your MIDI note data will be inverted. For example, if C3 is specified as the center pitch, C#3 will sound as B3 and B3 will sound as C#3. The Invert Pitch MIDI plug-in functions as a non-destructive version of the Invert Pitch region operation detailed the Region menu.


The Quantize effects processor is identical to the Quantize command in the Region menu, except, of course, that it has no permanent effect on the data in the track. Since it only affects data upon playback, it can be adjusted and even turned off (bypassed) at any time. For details on Quantize options, see the Region menu.

Reassign Continuous Data

This real-time effect is very similar to the Region menu command with the same name, except that it modifies only MIDI continuous data (but not audio volume, audio pan or audio plug-in automation). This plug-in can also generate registered and non-registered parameters (RPN's and NRPN's).

Remove Duplicates

Remove Duplicates is a real-time plug-in that eliminates duplicate notes on the fly. This is useful for situations when quantization creates a 'chord' consisting of the exact MIDI note. Placing Remove Duplicates in line after Quantize helps eliminate this problem.

Time Shift

The Time Shift effects processor is identical to the Shift command in the Edit menu, except, of course, that it has no permanent effect on the data in the track. Since it only affects data upon playback, it can be adjusted and even turned off (bypassed) at any time.


Choose the type of transposition you would like: either by a single interval or using a custom transpose map you have created with Transpose command in the Region menu. With interval transposition, enter any interval you like in the value boxes provided by editing the pitch text box (type, drag up/down, or use MIDI entry). The specific pitches do not matter: the interval between them determines the degree of transposition. For example, to transpose an octave up or down, choose C4 or C2, respectively. The Harmonize option causes the newly transposed data to be combined with the original data, so that they both play simultaneously.